Beijing series
Beijing series
Beijing series
Beijing series
Beijing series
Beijing series
Beijing series
Beijing series
Beijing series
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Beijing Series 

was created during my artist residency at Alexander Ochs Gallery in Beijing, October - November 2011.

The spacious studio in Caochangdi allowed me to think big and I could realise the 69-piece fan installation, that I´d had in mind since 2009 when I had worked on my ’Alice-D in Wonderland playing cards series’ at Chen Ling Hui Gallery residency.

The pattern (a figurative playing card joker: male combined with a dragon: neuter) on the single fan (transcultural carrier: Chinese women fans are a few centimetres smaller than fans for men) creeps from fan to fan to the last row and builds a bigger fan, 300x 600 cm. 
From the details of the micro: single fan, to the macro: large-sized installation, the idea of the ornament -a repetitive motive expanding into space and forming a whole-, is carried out.
