Void Lands
Void Lands
Void Lands
Void Lands
Void Lands
Void Lands
Void Lands
Void Lands
Void Lands
Void Lands
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Void Lands

is a collaborative project between Alice Dittmar and Stefanie Thiedig.

Into the Void via the Lands

From the in-between space of city and country, and Germany and China, we seek a way into the void. We find ourselves in a disposition of uncertainty from which we gain ground. We are here and there … the bridging of this time-lapse transposing us beyond the hustle and bustle of cities to notions of forest and mountain. Mist sets in; we seek it so as to immerse and release what it conceals, and then capture it via lens and pen, with thoughts of the ancients from today's perspective.


走出城市与自然之间,走出德国与中国之间,我们想要寻找一条空道。我们处于悬浮状态,力图着地。我们有时在此处,有时在彼处。将时间快进,我 们弹指之间从煞费脑力的城市喧嚣来到想象中的山林。雾散了,我们去找寻它。我们投入渺渺雾气中,放空意念,去发现雾中的景象,再用镜头和笔, 凭借古人的理念,站在今人的立场去捕捉它。
